Dear Cannoli,
I heard that The Cannoli Fund just purchased a microchip scanner. How does it work and if I find a lost dog or cat, how can I go about using it?
Persian on Pancoast
Dear Persian,
Microchips are really small (about the size of a grain of rice) and are implanted by a vet between the animal’s shoulder blades. The chip contains a serial number that can be looked up online or by calling a phone number and giving the person on the other end of the phone the serial number. The database will contain the pet’s name and the owner’s name, address and phone number. It may also contain a secondary number if the owner can’t be reached. The microchip scanner we bought can scan for any microchip, regardless of the type or brand of chip the animal has. If you find an animal and want to have it checked for a chip, call 380 5745 and one of my associates will arrange to have the animal checked with the device. Sorry, but we can’t loan the scanner out to anyone! You can also take the animal to any veterinary office or an animal shelter and they can also check for a microchip. To save your pet, yourself, and your family (especially the kids) the agony of wondering where you pet has gone, make sure he wears a collar with tags at all times, even if he has a microchip or lives inside. The easier you make it to get your pet home, the better for everyone! I mean, come on! Look at the size of the collar tag my mom and dad make me wear and I’m an inside-only feline!
BREAKING NEWS! Saturday, February 3, 2013: The chip scanner has already reunited the first lost pet with his family! A King William couple found a yellow lab wandering down Mission Street on a Saturday morning. Although the dog was wearing a collar, he didn’t have a tag with a contact name or phone number. Not recognizing the dog and knowing The Cannoli Fund had just purchased a microchip scanner, the couple contacted my people and they scanned the dog. Luckily, the dog had a microchip! The Cannoli Fund then looked up the chip number on the internet, called the microchip maker company who contacted the owner. Brees the dog, named after New Orleans Saints player Drew Brees, had, as mapped by Google Maps, walked a minimum of 2.2 miles and had crossed both the interstate and the San Antonio River!
SAVE THE DATE: Fiesta Medal Artwork Unveil Party, Sunday, February 24 from 2-4 at The Friendly Spot Ice House, 943 S. Alamo. Dog friendly! Be among the first to see the artwork designs for my 2013 Fiesta medals! If you’re an animal lover, want to help control the pet population in King William and Lavaca, and want to reserve one or both of this year’s collectible Fiesta medals, be there!

Dear Cannoli,
My cat does not cover his poop after using the litter box. Is there something wrong with him?
Pooped Out on Pereida
Dear Pooped Out,
There is nothing wrong with him at all; in fact, I don’t cover my poop either (I know, TMI). Cats normally cover their poop so that predators and other cats can’t find them. Cats that don’t cover their poop are usually very confident kitties and figure they are the top cat in the house and there is no need to hide from anyone. If you know me you would agree that I am the top cat!
Dear Cannoli,
I think the services The Cannoli Fund offers are great and long overdue! However, I am not sure if I live in your “service area.” What exactly are the boundaries of King William and Lavaca that The Cannoli Fund serves?
Hopefully in the ‘Hood
Dear Hopefully,
Great question! The Cannoli Fund helps animals living in Lavaca and King William. Our borders are Cesar E. Chavéz Blvd. to the north, IH-37 to the east, the San Antonio River to the south and S. Main to the west. I had my graphics team add a map of The Cannoli Fund’s service area to this website, check it out! Even if you live out of the service area, we are more than happy to give advice on caring for animals in your area; just contact us.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 23, 2013 is the 3rd Annual “Clutter for Cannoli” yard sale at [address redacted] in King William. If you’re cleaning out your closets or other storage areas, please donate your gently used items to help us raise money! Items can be dropped off at 320 Adams at your convenience starting now, February 2013! All donations are tax deductible and tax receipts will be mailed. Please leave your name and address with your donation.