Are there feral or community cats at or near your house that you–or your neighbors–would like to have fixed, but you lack the time or the means to transport them? Do you live in the King William or Lavaca neighborhoods of San Antonio? The Cannoli Fund’s Community Cat Carpool can help.

You may have heard about The Cannoli Fund’s spay/neuter reimbursement program and want to take part. However, some may not have transportation or may not be able to take or pick-up the cats at the times required by the service providers.
That’s where the Community Cat Carpool comes in. We make appointments and shuttle King William and Lavaca community cats via our catmobile to and/or from the spay/neuter clinics! Just let us know where there are cats in need. It takes a neighborhood to control the outdoor cat population! T-N-R (Trap, Neuter, Return) works!
For more information on borrowing traps or assistance with transportation, email the Cannoli Fund.