The Cannoli Fund recently assisted several stray dogs who had been wandering the King William and Lavaca neighborhoods for months, thanks to an extremely generous grant from a caring neighbor. Jack, a tall black and white dog who appears to be a Labrador mix, was wandering the streets of Baja King William for several weeks. Many neighbors gave food and water to him and his companion, a brown female. Both dogs were cautious but friendly.
Jack was taken to the vet and declared young and healthy, needing only to be neutered and treated for hookworms. Taken in by a neighborhood animal rescuer, Jack has become an extremely affectionate companion who gets along well with other dogs. The cat is another story! Jack has recently been adopted into his forever home with this same family.
Jack’s companion, unfortunately, had multiple health problems and was so severely ill and in pain, that her rescuers, along with the vet, made the difficult decision to euthanize her.

Many neighbors are aware that dogs have been living under the temporary classrooms at Brackenridge High School for many years. Most are very fearful and unfriendly, or travel in packs. About three months ago, a new female was spotted. She was extremely thin and subdued, but also friendly to both people and dogs. Named Viola, she was taken to the vet who found that she has heartworms that are asymptomatic, as well as mammary tumors. Viola is an older dog and was in a very rundown condition, so the vet recommended not treating her heartworms but allowing her to live out her life in comfort. She has been living with a neighbor who already has several dogs and cats, and getting along well with everyone. She has gained weight and enjoys daily walks. The change in her affect has been significant; Viola literally bounces along on her walks!
The Cannoli Fund is pleased to have been able to assist these dogs.