Cannoli’s Canteen Program Provides Pet Water Bowls

Pets need access to water at all times, even more so during exercise and in high temperatures! Cannoli’s Canteen water stations for pets help make walking in the south Texas heat a bit easier for dogs, who are susceptible to heat exhaustion and dehydration, just like humans. We provide water bowls (and replacement bowls) free to households in our King William and Lavaca service area.

Cannoli’s Canteen will provide any household or business within our service area a FREE large colorful plastic water bowl. The bowl should be placed in the right of way in front of your property (preferably along the sidewalk) and kept full of clean drinking water in order for passing pets to take a drink. Shaded areas are best. The bowls provided for the Cannoli’s Canteen program are large and deep so the water won’t evaporate as quickly.

To request a free pet water bowl, please fill out the form below. We’ll leave one on your porch a few days after your request.

If you’ve participated previously but need a new bowl, we’re happy to provide one. Thank you for helping make our neighborhoods more pet friendly!
